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INTRO 經典牛皮原色托特包

INTRO Classic Kraft Paper Tote Bag

NT$ 800

/ 個

搭配 INTRO 全新版本浸泡式咖啡黑膠專輯,另有優惠

+經典黑膠系列浸泡式咖啡*1組 $990
+經典黑膠系列浸泡式咖啡*2組 $1280

點擊上方「立即購買」加入 INTRO LINE官方,選擇「商品購買」填寫訂購資訊。


    單筆訂單金額滿 NT$1,500 享7-11超取免運費,未滿運費 NT$65(離島地區另詢)

    單筆訂單金額滿 NT$3,000 享宅配免運費,未滿運費 NT$100(離島地區另詢)


  • 郵局郵寄

  • 7-11超商取貨

  • 店面自取(111台北市士林區基河路300巷21號)

​ ▸▸▸


以美國油漬搖滾 (Grunge) 天團 Nirvana 經典專輯 ⟪Nevermind⟫ 裡的名曲 <Come As You Are> 為標語。

𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐀𝐬 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐀𝐫𝐞

做你自己 Be yourself.

做你自己原來的樣子 Be who you truly are.

做你自己最舒服的樣子 Be the most comfortable version of yourself.

是 INTRO 給自己,從 2024 年邁向 2025年 的,簡單的座右銘,也想與一直支持我們的朋友分享。

Inspired by the iconic track Come As You Are from Nirvana's classic album Nevermind.

This simple mantra is INTRO's way of stepping into 2025 from 2024, and we'd like to share it with all the friends who have supported us along the way.

►►材質 Material:


"Washed kraft paper" is an eco-friendly material made from natural fiber pulp. It is thicker and more durable than regular kraft paper, with a firm and sturdy structure that is tear-resistant and wear-resistant. Additionally, it can be washed and cleaned. Its texture feels like a blend between leather and paper.

►►尺寸 Dimensions:

L:35 H:35 W:10 (cm)

裝得下一整張黑膠唱片!Fits the size of a vinyl record.


Follow us on instagram : intro__kitchen


TEL: 0910 658 077 / 02 2834 2438


111 台北市士林區基河路300巷21號

No 21, Ln. 300, Jihe Rd., Shilin Dist., Taipei 111

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週一至週日 | 10:00-17:30


10:00-15:00 Brunch/ 早午餐
15:00-17:30 Afternoon Tea/ 午茶飲品及甜點

​ (最後點餐 甜點16:30/飲品17:00 ) 

 ( Last Order Dessert 16:30/Drinks 17:00 )

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